Riverfront North Master Plan
We have released our updated Master Plan! Over the past two years, we met with many of our stakeholders, neighbors, visitors, and volunteers to put together a vision for the next 15 years of greenway development along the Delaware River waterfront in Northeast Philadelphia.
Our updated Master Plan looks at four major goals:
• Improve Connectivity between Northeast Philadelphia neighborhoods and the riverfront
• Support Functionality of various land uses and continue a cooperative relationship with businesses along the greenway
• Nurture Environment by restoring land- and water-based natural habitats that are accessible to all
• Enhance Experience along the riverfront by growing stewardship programs, recreational opportunities, and placemaking.
Download the Masterplan
Access a downloadable PDF version of the Riverfront North Master Plan and Appendix:
Master Plan Executive Summary (click to be re-directed to file)
Master Plan (click to be re-directed to file)
Appendix (click to be re-directed to file)
On Tuesday, December 15th, from 6:30-7:30 PM, we held a one hour event to review the highlights of the Master Plan and to questions from the public. Watch a video of the meeting below or if you have technical issues, click here to see a video of that meeting on our vimeo site.
Riverfront North Greenway Master Plan Virtual Public Meeting from Riverfront North on Vimeo.