Throughout the year, Riverfront North staff and a community panel from Bridesburg will embark on trips to local and national parks in an effort to gain knowledge as we work to shape the vision of the future riverfront park in Bridesburg.


This month, RNP staff explored the grounds of the Lazaretto in Tinicum Township, PA via an interactive theater experience called “Quarantine Play” that delved into the history of the site, it’s relationship to the Delaware River and the relationship the community has with the space today. The program’s creator, Aislinn Pentecost-Farren, is in the process of developing a new historical experience for the Bridesburg community ahead of the groundbreaking of the Bridesburg Riverfront Park.


Experiencing storytelling in this unique new format opened our eyes to the array of possibilities in our Bridesburg park and surrounding trails for place-based art and historical tie-ins.


Read more about our discovery process!