2018 Riverfront North Annual Report

Dear friends of Riverfront North,
2018 was a year of growth for our organization. We are grateful to take a moment to reflect on the year’s success and we look forward to continued progress in 2019.
Riverfront North remains steadfast in our vision for a completed eleven-mile greenway, increased visibility of our beautiful spaces, deep relationships with our community partners, and increased ability to activate the entire greenway as a local resource and city-wide destination. We are thankful to the City of Philadelphia for their dedication and, through our work with them, we take pride in reconnecting our Northeast Philadelphia neighbors to nature and each other.
In 2018 we celebrated pivotal developments: a change of leaderships, the launch of new brand, a new Master Plan update, and the opening of the Baxter Trail. And these are just the highlights! We look to building on this foundational work with you in 2019 and beyond. Thank you for your continued passion for the vision of our Riverfront North and our beautiful trail on the Delaware.
Stephanie Phillips
Riverfront North Executive Director