The Importance of Parks and Trails
Now more than ever, we can see the importance of parks and trails. The acres and acres of our spacious riverfront greenway in Northeast Philadelphia are one of the easiest places to practice social distancing while still being able to experience the beautiful spring weather and blooming trees and flowers.
Take in the fresh air. Release some anxiety with a walk or a jog. Watch the Delaware River tide come and go as it always has and always will. Parks and trails are a safe places of refuge from the confinements of home.
Remember to remain 6 feet away from other park users and to stay home if you have any symptoms of any illness. All park bathrooms will remain closed until further notice.
In these uncertain times, we are all looking for something to ground us and nothing can do that better than spending some time in nature. The Riverfront North parks and trails are there and waiting for you if you need them!
Find out more about how to get to the parks and trails.