Farewell UnOrthodox

Riverfront North’s UnOrthodox, has now departed the Bridesburg Rec. This #playeverywhere space, awarded by KABOOM! and funded by the William Penn Foundation was meant to be a temporary play space that used free play to explore nature and language using themes based on Bridesburg’s layers of history and industrial usage. In was in place since May 2020 but gave Riverfront North the opportunity to be in the heart of the community to meet neighbors and talk about our work and the exciting things to come. Look for additional ways that we work to take us to the river!
Thank you to John McBride, and all the staff at the Bridesburg Rec and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation for temporarily letting us take over this space. Special thanks to the design and fabrication team at Interface Design Studios and RAIR; Mairead Nekkab of Violet Vine Yoga for leading us weekly practice; and to all the awesome Bridesburg neighbors that we got to know and who weighed in to help this project take shape.
For more information, visit our Kaboom page.